Saturday, May 22, 2010

Coleman asked me the other day if we were going on a vacation this summer. I told him I wasn't sure but we would talk about it with the family. (We are going on a few small camping trips and one week long "vacay" with Trent's family.) This is a recap of our conversation:
Coleman;"I know where we could go on a vacation this summer!"
Me: "Where?"
Coleman: "Europe."
Me; "That would be awesome although we would have to save up for a few years for that."
Coleman;"Well then we could go on an African Safari!"
Me: "That would probably cost our family $30000."
Coleman: "So pretty much I am limited to the US?"
Me: Pretty much.
I didn't have the heart to tell him we were pretty much limited to the state of Utah for this year. It stinks having cousins who have flight benefits!!

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