We have a serious Dora problem at our house. Annabelle is OBSESSED. I use this word alot I know...but with Dora and Annabelle it is total truth. As much as I hate to admit how much tv watching my 2 year old does....we watch at least 4 episodes a day. Sometimes upwards of 9 or 10. It is terrible. (I am waiting for the DSFC call.) We are starting to branch out to Diego and Max and Ruby but Dora is still the favorite. On just one tv alone we have over 35 episodes tivoed.
Anyhow...back to the reason for my post. A few mornings ago I asked Annabelle if she wanted to come wake up Chloe with me. She got very excited and started down the stairs. We got to Chloe's room when without prompting Annabelle said, "Buenos Dias Chloe!" (I don't speak anything but Dora spanish so pardon my spelling.) At least Dora is doing something for my kid, right?