Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Coleman's Birthday

Although it has been two weeks since Coleman's birthday I wanted to blog about how awesome he is! This year we went to Raging Waters for Coleman's big day. He had an awesome time with his friends and fam! We went to Bonsai for dinner after and our favorite cupcake place Sweet Tooth Fairy. YUM!
Some things I don't want to forget about my 10 year old Coleman:
1. He is such a mamma's boy. Not in a bad way but he loves his mom.
2. He is terribly thoughtful to everyone (with the exception of his sisters who he loves to torture.) He hates it when people are upset...especially with him.
3. He LOVES to read. In any given week he reads over 1000 pages. The school librarian is not sure she even has any books in the library that he hasn't read!
4. He is always thinking of ways to make things better. He has great ideas for new inventions.
5. He loves to "tinker". He loves projects. He loves helping our sweet neighbors or his dad with any project. The more tools the better!
6. He is a fantastic artist. He draws better than I can ever hope to.
7. He has had a very bad temper in the past but has learned very well to control it. He is awesome about catching himself before he gets too wound up.
8. He loves anything electronic...including his new Ipod touch.
9. He is just plain AWESOME!
We love you Coleman! Happy Birthday!