Monday, April 11, 2011

Our Dislike for Primary Children's

I don't know if I have ever stated this before but I DESPISE PRIMARY CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL! Really, I think the hospital has a purpose for sick kids. Unfortunately for us, Primary Children's has been nothing but a headache for Jayden. Because she doesn't fit into their perfect mold of a known disease, everything she is feeling is dismissed by them. We did the EMG testing by Dr. Sakonju on Thursday. My favorite quote of the day was as she turned to the doctor in training, "Oh...this is real!" Like they had been thinking this whole time that she was just faking it! Unfortunately again, although they saw abnormailities, when they averaged all the tests together, it was "within the realm of normal". Dr. Sakonju told us to follow up with our neurologist.'am...that would be you!! She pulled the results again and said that her parasympathetic nervous system is on hyperdrive and her autonomic nervous system is on slow mo. That we just need to get her into bio feedback counseling and then those two systems should correct themselves. Lately, Jayden has been complaining about having a sharp pain in her hand. I noticed that part of her hand was swollen but just kinda put that in the back of my head. She has been complaining about a sharp pain down her leg and I noticed that in the exact spot, her leg is swollen. It is so frustrating when as a mom I KNOW something is wrong but because she doesn't fit all the classic symptoms of any known disease her symptoms are dismissed.
We have tried everything, spending thousands of dollars on accupuncture, holistic doctors, chiropractors, vitamins, as well as any doctor we can get into! We sure are hoping that New York has some answers for us!

1 comment:

Chelsea said...

UGGHH!!! Dealing with Grant's internal bleeding... I wasn't very impressed with Primary's also. I am really praying for New York also.