Saturday, January 24, 2009

My sweet teenager

So here is a post to my sweet teenager. I know that many parents of teenagers (including myself) don't usually use the words sweet and teenager in the same sentance. But today I will!! Even with this picture of her pants hanging too low!! I know Jayden is still young and we still have a lot of rough years ahead of us. But I am so grateful for the sweet girl she is. Jayden has two very different groups of friends at school. (Who as a side note hate each other.) One group of friends she has know for most of elementary school but don't have the best moral background. The other group of girls she knows from soccer. Yesterday she was invited to go to a surprise party of one of the girls that hangs out with the elementary school group. (Are you following? It's a little confusing.) I texted her about two hours after I dropperd her off asking how things were going. Usually when she is with her friends her reply is Great!!!!. This time her reply was good. I knew something was wrong but didn't push the issue at the time...thinking we would just talk about it when she got home. A few minutes later I got a text saying you need to pick me up soon. I texted back saying: Like when? Jayden texted back saying um....soon. So I hopped in the car and told her I was on my way. I was fully expecting her to be in tears or something when I picked her up. She got in the car and seemed totally fine. We started talking and she told me the reason she wanted to come home was because the people at the party were doing things that she didn't agree with morally. I am so proud of her that instead of staying somewhere that she felt uncomfortable she was strong enough to leave the situation. I love you Jayden!!! I hope you continue to make good choices and listen to the holy ghost that prompts you to do what you know is right.


Taylor's said...

I hated those situations as a teenager but I am so glad she knew to get out the situation and as fast as possible! She is a great role model for her siblings.

Chelsea said...

She IS a good girl! I'm proud of her too!